Thursday 18 September 2014

Time flies

Almost a year to date, I was writing that I was living on an isolated jewel, that going out of Australia was harder than crossing the French border to go.. well.. anywhere. I wrote I was unsure about the future I had. A few drama and 12 months later, here I stand. I could have chosen to stop, to escape but I kept trying, I got up. 

So let me tell you something. I always referred as falling ill as an eye-opener, making you realise that life means everything but is also so fragile. yet, I was still anxious about what to do before, I wanted to have it all sorted/decided and if changes in plans would arise, I'd deal with them when they'd appear. But I switched perspective and I am not so much worried about controlling things  anymore and if what I really want is meant to be, it will come in time. Patience is a virtue after all. There is no need to rush things, no need to chase moments but only dreams and even to do so, chance should be welcomed.

Life is complicated, ok, but it is only up to you to make it simple. As an example, I had plans with someone dear this weekend but in the end it wasn't possible. Instead of thinking too much about how nice it would have been, I thought about what it will be when we'll actually catch up and got happy.

Every second is a special moment you are gifted with. Be grateful and make the most out of your life. There is no space for wasted minutes or hard feelings. If you want to experience or say something, go ahead and dare. 

Monday 15 September 2014

Life Update pt. 2

A gentle soul, smiling but broken. This is probably how people perceive me. The people that knew me before, during and after the whole situation. The ones that have seen the evolution and the changes in my personality: I am more fragile, vulnerable, and yet stronger. 

Nevertheless I am still full of joy, I am still full of life. I still get excited about random things -maybe more- because I know all is ephemeral. And people crossing my way now would not imagine or hardly believe what I've been through and how come I am still standing there.

No matter how long our lives are, they'll be fleeting anyway. So you might as well try to live to the fullest, achieve your goals and help others to do the same. The only way to be immortal is through the legacy you leave behind, the memories that will remain once you're gone. 

So far I've heard many things: that I had been an angel during the whole time, that I managed and am handling the situation well, that my courage was transcendent and admirable, that I inspire respect as I am not focusing on my life but rather thinking about others. 

But you don't see me in the dark. When I wake up and open my eyes at the night and look through the window, then I go back to what is called sleep but ends in nightmares. My body might not bear any mark of this event, but the implosion left many shards inside. My eyes are still sparkling and shining however sometimes when they shut down there is no light left. 

There are many things not shown, or left unsaid. And it will take a while to reveal the scar, to accept the feelings. But as I said in my other article I have a few things on to look forward to such as:

Sunday 17 August 2014

Life Update

7 months since my last post. My mind has been busy and life has been a roller-coaster (literally). 

It would probably take too long to explain everything I have been through over this time and the thoughts that came to my mind regarding life, our purpose here, my future and so on.. But to make it short Russell's health went downhill and no more treatments were effective or available to cure his cancer. His quality of life started to decline again, his body was slowly shutting down. Yet we managed to spend some nice last moments together and got married. But the tumour's evolution caught us back and he passed away on Friday 16th of May early morning.

My story would sound dramatic to many. Yes, it is a sad one and it feels like living in a movie but I am not the only one to go through it. It is an excruciating pain I will live with for the rest of my life, but it taught me so much. We have done everything we could to enjoy our time together, always leaving plenty of room for hope and projects. But sometimes what you want is not what you get and you have to face it and accept it. His life changed the day he was told he had cancer. Mine changed the day I met him. Clearly, the meaning behind both moments and the outcomes are different but I believe the impact is (somehow) similar. 

I am hanging on there, grabbing every opportunity to be around people and doing anything to smile and make other smile. Because this is what life is about. I owe this to myself - to the ones I love, just like you do. Giving back to people is meaningful, and generally it doesn't take much to do so.

With the amazing support from my family and friends both in France & Australia and all over the world, I have managed to be ok so Thank you to you all, it is highly appreciated.

Now I am off to new projects and will try to slowly get back on track with my life and keep you posted as I used to!

Much love.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Seven Tips for a Defacto application – Partner Visa approved!

Today, I received an email with a precious piece of information. After clicking on it, the letter opened to show that.. The visa has been granted! It was very quick (probably given the circumstances and our story) and totally unexpected as we were thinking that we would hear from the department within months of lodging the application.

Oh dear, what a relief to know that nothing is holding us back now, and that we can live without worrying about this anymore. It also means that I am free to travel outside Australia, there is no hours limitations for my work and I can benefit from Medicare. 

Looking back at this process, we had a solid file and can testify that this process is consuming and full on. I would have probably organised it well in advance if I had known better as I love to be always prepared with a time margin. Yet in the end it all went pretty well. We checked the requirements many times, filled so many documents, put up the file in order and proofread it before sending it with the payment. But every second is worth it!

I could not believe it, when I saw the email at work. Then I was just overwhelmed with joy and had to share it, and throught it might be good to write it here. This is a full part of the expat journey and for some it might be an easy process, for other it will be cumbersome. There are many kinds of visa to apply for but the processing times are all long and the file to build is quite large. 

If you are thinking about launching a De facto (820/801) application, a few tips that can help you:
1. Make sure you register your relationship in the state you live in - waiving the 12 months living requirement
2. Keep track of your holidays + other important (social) events attended as a couple
3. Put together bank statements and expenses made by both of you and ideally set up an account together
4. Copy some cards and letters you sent/gave to each other but also from people that wrote to you two
5. Get more testimonials than the two required to have more proof
6. Take plenty of pictures, select the best one for the immigration
7. Remember to be happy and love will triumph!

Aujourd'hui, surprise dans ma boîte mail. Après le suspense du titre, j'ouvre l'email pour lire que.. le visa m'a été donné! C'était extrêmement rapide (certainement vu les circonstances et notre histoire) et inattendu car nous pensions avoir une réponse dans quelques mois..

Quel soulagement de savoir que le sujet est clos et que nous n'avons plus à nous en inquiéter. L'obtention de ce visa, ça signifie que je peux entrer et sortir du territoire sans problème, que mes droits au travail ne sont pas limités et que je peux bénéficier de la sécurité sociale Australienne. 

Avec le recul, je sais que notre dossier était solide et je peux dire que le processus prend du temps et est éprouvant. Après avoir pris connaissance de tous les documents à réunir, j'aurais aimé avoir pris plus d'avance car j'adore tout préparer en prenant une marge. Mais au final, tout s'est bien passé. Nous avons lu les conditions à remplir, remplis les documents nécessaires, ordonner les papiers et relu ceux-ci maintes et maintes fois. Mais ça en valait la peine!

Quand j'ai lu ce message au travail, je n'en croyais pas mes yeux. Puis ensuite, j'étais sur mon petit nuage et il fallait que je partage la nouvelle et le blog m'a semblé être un bon moyen de le dire. Le visa, partie intégrante du voyage de l'expat qui peut être facile pour certains et difficile pour d'autres. Il y a une telle variété de visa ! Se retrouver dans ce labyrinthe pour choisir le bon et compléter tout le dossier demande du temps et les délais de réponse sont souvent longs.

Si vous voulez lancer un visa De facto (820/801) voici quelques trucs qui peuvent être utiles:
1. Enregistrez votre relation dans votre état de résidence, levant l'obligation des 12 mois de vie commune
2. Gardez les souvenirs de vacances et les invitations aux soirées auxquelles vous vous rendez en couple
3. Réunissez les relevés de comptes et dépenses communes et créez un compte commun
4. Faites des copies de cartes et lettres pour chacun et le courrier de la famille ou d'amis pour vous deux
5. Rassemblez plus de témoignages que le nombre minimum 
6. Prenez des photos ensemble et choisissez en certaines à envoyer à l'immigration
7. Soyez heureux et souvenez vous l'amour triomphe toujours!

Wednesday 1 January 2014

NYE Resolutions

As a year ends and another begins, it is time to see what has been accomplished or defeated. This might be the first time I look back without fear - becoming wiser? Understanding your environment and being mindful of what you have is the key to happiness. 

Overall, the last months lead me in building new memories and start designing a future. My fate is different from what I had expected, thinking everything would be sorted. Yet, I learn to get stronger and this is an achievement in itself. 

The past year meant for me, for us:
01/13: Car crash for Russ & I on our way to a trip in Europe (had to cancel it after this)
02/13: Russell had a seizure (first operation healing) staying in hospital for a day, We flew back to Australia together, Started studying at Macquarie.
03/13: We found our place and decorated it simply but we can call it home.
04/13: Harbour Bridge and movie figuration : done!
05/13: Started working at Macquarie and we celebrated our 3rd anniversary reunited.
06/13: Busy time of the year - first exam period but I also went to see the Vivid festival.
07/13: Some friends' visit and travel around NSW and my birthday.
08/13: A fun event - the Colour run!
09/13: My mother underwent surgery back in France.
10/13: We attended TedxMacquarieUniversity + last exam period of the year.
11/13: Russell's new tumour was found and a second operation was done.
12/13: My admission to the hospital and operation, the start of our treatments (chemo for Russ, nurses for me), my final results out and the launch of our visa application.

So it was full of emotions and joyful/sad moments and it is important to be able to seize every opportunity to enjoy our lives, as they are very precious. Remember: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift and that is why it is called the present.

Some resolutions I made:
x Improve my health and reduce my anxiety level
x Be active again after recovering (take at least one 'new' sport class + swimming routine)
x Travel more in and out Sydney/Australia
x Express my creativity (some arty or handy thing)

There is much more but I'm sure I'll speak about it in my next posts..
Happy New Year!

Une année s'achève, une autre commence, il est donc temps de faire le bilan, de voir ce qui a été accompli. C'est peut-être la première fois que je regarde en arrière sans crainte - deviendrai-je plus sage? La clé du bonheur, c'est avant tout comprendre son environnement et être conscient de ce qu'on a.

Dans l'ensemble, les derniers mois m'ont apporté de nouveaux souvenirs qui contribuent à me construire et à envisager mon avenir. Pour l'instant les choses ne se passent pas forcément comme je les avais imaginées mais les difficultés rendent plus fort et je poursuis mon objectif.

Notre année en résumé
01/13: Accident de voiture pour Russell et moi au départ d'un voyage en Europe (annulé par la suite)
02/13: Russell a eu une crise d'épilepsie (cicatrisation de la 1ère opération) donc visite à l'hôpital, départ pour l'Australie ensemble et début du master à Macquarie.
03/13: Nous avons trouvé notre chez nous et l'avons décoré simplement.
04/13: L'ascension du Harbour Bridge et figuration dans un film: done!
05/13: Job à Macquarie et notre 3ème anniversaire enfin réunis.
06/13: Première période d'examens, festival Vivid et anniversaire de Russell.
07/13: Visite d'amies françaises, excursions dans les environs de Sydney et mon anniversaire.
08/13: Un événement amusant - le Colour Run!
09/13: Ma mère a subi une opération en France.
10/13: Nous avons assisté à TedxMacquarieUniversity et dernière période d'examens de l'année.
11/13: Nouvelle tumeur trouvée, Russell a donc eu une seconde opération.
12/13: Mon admission à l'hôpital et opération également, le début de nos traitements (chimio pour Russ, infirmières et soins pour moi), mes résultats finaux et le lancement de notre demande de visa.

Donc une année chargée d'émotions et de moments tristes et joyeux - une leçon pour saisir toutes les occasions et profiter de l'instant si précieux. Souvenez vous: "Hier c'est l'histoire, demain reste un mystère mais aujourd'hui est un cadeau puisqu'on parle du présent".

Voici quelques unes de mes résolutions:
x Améliorer ma santé et essayer d'être moins stressée
x Me remettre au sport une fois guérie (et essayer un nouveau cours de sport + piscine)
x Voyager plus localement mais aussi hors de Sydney et de l'Australie
x Exprimer davantage ma créativité (travaux manuels)

Il y en a certainement plus mais j'aurais l'occasion d'en parler dans mes prochains posts..
Bonne année!

Thursday 26 December 2013

Season Greetings - Christmas recipes

This year I spend my second Christmas in Australia and I must say that it is the only time of the year when I feel a bit homesick. As I said before, the celebrations here are different from what I am used to in Europe. It is pleasant to have a nice weather for the end of the year but somehow it does not feel like it is real. The snow is missing, the traditional food is replaced by more common dishes and English treats.

At home, I love wandering around markets, picking the freshly cut tree from a local shop, and then decorate it with glass baubles. Being surrounded by the family and use this opportunity to be all reunited is great. I also really like getting the table ready and cook with my parents.

So I wanted to share two festive recipes with you:

Mulled wine
- 1 bottle of red wine (or white if you want to be creative)
- 125 g raw sugar
- Lemon and orange zest
- 1 tbs of cinnamon
- 1 anis star
- 1 clove
- 1 teaspoon of grounded ginger
- 1 teaspoon of grounded nutmeg
Mix it all together and bring to boiled then simmer for 5min and it's ready to serve!

And Spiced biscuits
375 g self raising flour
125 g melted butter blended with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 of grounded ginger, 1 of grounded nutmeg and 2 anis star and 2 cloves
125 g sugar
1 egg
Mix it all together, roll the dough on a a tray with baking paper and put in a pre-heated oven (200c) for 15 min.

Yet, New Year Eve is more exciting here as we are among the first to start it and the fireworks and atmosphere is astounding. There is always something in Oz to keep you happy and balance the situation!

Cette année, je passe les fêtes de fin d'année en Australie et c'est généralement le moment où mes proches me manquent. Célébrer Noël ici est différent de ce que l'on peut attendre en Europe. Bien sûr, avoir un temps plus clément est sympatique, mais ca ne semble pas si "réel". Beaucoup de choses sont absentes: la neige, la nourriture traditionnelle est remplacée par des plats influencés par la culture anglosaxone. 

Lorsque je suis en France, j'adore me promener dans les marchés de Noël, aller chercher le sapin qui vient d'être coupé chez le marchand du coin, et le décorer de boules en verre. Etre entourée de ma famille et profiter de cette opportunité pour tous se réunir est un moment privilégié. J'apprécie également de dresser la table la veille et d'aider en cuisine!

Donc je voulais partager deux recettes festives avec vous:

Vin chaud
- Une bouteille de vin rouge (ou blanc pour être original)
- 125g de sucre de cassonade
- Zeste d'un citron et d'une orange
- Une cuillère à soupe de cnanelle
- Une étoile anisée
- Un clou de girofle
- Une cuillère à café de gingembre moulu
- Une cuillère à café de noix de muscade moulue
Mélangez le tout et faites bouillir pendant 5 minutes puis servez!

Biscuits épicés
375g de farine et un sachet de levure chimique
125g de beurre fondu avec un mix d'épices (cannelle, gingembre, noix de muscade, 2 étoiles anisées et 2 clous de girofles)
125g de sucre
1 oeuf
Mélangez le tout, étalez la pâte sur une plaque couverte de papier sulfurisé et mettre au four (préchauffé à 200c) pendant 15 minutes.

Pourtant, ici le nouvel an semble plus festif car nous sommes parmi les premiers à passer à la nouvelle année; les feux d'artifices sont impressionnants et idem pour l'ambiance! Au fond, il y a toujours quelque chose de bon en Oz. 

Saturday 14 December 2013

Medication, Graduation and Celebration

In regards to my previous post, I wanted to keep you updated and to talk about positive things that have been happening to us and what's on for the few weeks to come.

Russell is finishing his first circle of chemotherapy today and will be out of it until the end of the year. So far, we haven't seen any side effects and he is doing well, which is good. He is eating and sleeping normally, mainly reading and relaxing. The results of my master were out this week - I am now holding a Master in Commerce (Marketing) from Macquarie and qualified myself for Academic Excellence. I am also starting to look for a full time position, to start after my recovery.

On top of that, we will be launching our partner visa soon. Many have been asking us - after filling endless forms and passing several tests, the moment has finally come! Hopefully, we will have a notice soon about the process and will be able to make more plans. 

Spending the end of the year with the family will also be very enjoyable as well as getting more rest before the new one. It will be my second Christmas here and I expect it to be different from how we would celebrate it back in France: the spirit is not snowy at all (well, it is really warm on this hemisphere right now). But I guess it will make it even more appreciable next year if I am back for the holidays.

Voici quelques nouvelles par rapport à mon dernier post, je voulais vous tenir informé mais aussi aborder des choses un peu plus positive cette fois-ci sur notre situation et les projets à venir!

Russell a fini son premier cycle de chimio aujourd'hui et recommence d'ici la fin de l'année. Nous n'avons pas vu d'effets secondaires et il va bien, ce qui est rassurant. Il mange et dort normalement, et s'occupe en lisant. Les résultats de mes examens finaux sont tombés cette semaine et je suis diplômée d'un Master en Commerce (Spé Marketing) de Macquarie et qualifiée pour prétendre à l'excellence académique. Je vais aussi commencer à chercher un job à temps plein, après ma guérison.

Nous avons l'intention d'envoyer notre candidature pour le visa compagnon très bientôt. Beaucoup de gens nous ont posé la question et après avoir enfin toutes les preuves, documents et tests nécessaires, nous sommes enfin prêts! En espérant que nous recevrons prochainement un accusé de réception et plus d'infos sur le processus, pour planifier le futur.

Passer les fêtes de fin d'année en famille sera aussi un moment appréciable et nous pourrons nous ressourcer avant la nouvelle qui arrive! Ce Noël est mon second ici et je sais que ça sera différent (). Mais je ne serai que plus heureuse la prochaine fois que je retrouverai les miens dans le froid des prochaines vacances.